Shadowrun: Missions - Season Six

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Missions Logo Season Six
(identisch dem Missions Logo Season Five)

Shadowrun: Missions - Season Six ist eine Kampagne für die fünfte Edition von Shadowrun, die von Catalyst Games Lab in Form von einzelnen Abenteuern als Pdfs veröffentlicht wird. Sie knüpft unmittelbar und nahtlos an die letzten Missions-Reihe - "Shadowrun: Missions - Season Five" an, ist wie diese in Chicago angesiedelt, und dreht sich ebenso wie ihr direkter Vorgänger um die Agenda von UCAS-Regierung und Konzernen drehen, Chicago zurückzuerobern, und aus dem ehemaligen Bug City wieder einen ganz normale, kanado-amerikanische Großstadt zu machen. Sie soll wie "Season Five" genau sechs Missions umfassen, und dann mit "Shadowrun: Missions - Season Seven" fortgeführt werden. - Neuer Shadowrun Missions Coordinator, der die Nachfolge des zurückgetretenen Steven "Bull" Ratkovich angetreten hat, ist Ray Rigel.

Shadowrun Mission: 06-01

  • Art.-Nr: SRM 06-01 (E-CAT27M0601)
  • Titel: Ten Fifty-Seven
  • Verlag: Catalyst Games Lab
  • Sprache: englisch
  • Art: nur eBook (PDF mit Wasserzeichen)
  • Seitenzahl: ?? Seiten
  • Dateigrösse: ?? MB
  • Erschienen: 18.12.2015
  • Preis: 5,95 $

Autoren, Illustratoren & Mitarbeiter:


Heart of Darkness

Darkness gathers in certain corners of the Sixth World, where no light can enter. The Containment Zone of Chicago has long been one of these dark spots, but government and corporate forces have combined their heft to bring some light to that benighted area, if only because they believe there is profit to be extracted. They have considerable powers at their disposal—but there is also considerable darkness pooled in the ruined sprawl. It will be a battle, and as usual, shadowrunners will be used as the front-line soldiers.

In this Mission, runners will be called to investigate the case of some missing people and stolen augmentations. Answers are not easy to come by in the CZ, but trouble is, and runners will encounter plenty. If they want to dig deep into the heart of what’s happening in the CZ, they better stay on their toes and ready for anything.

Ten Fifty-Seven begins a new series of Shadowrun: Missions that builds on the previous season. The setting and some characters carry over, but this Mission starts runners on the trail of intrigue that will build to a frightening, dangerous climax. Whether runners play through the whole series or play through chapters of the series individually, they’re in for a lot of danger—and plenty of fun.


Shadowrun Mission: 06-02

  • Art.-Nr: SRM 06-02 (E-CAT???)
  • Titel: Amber Waves of Grain
  • Verlag: Catalyst Games Lab
  • Sprache: englisch
  • Art: nur eBook (PDF mit Wasserzeichen)
  • Seitenzahl: ?? Seiten
  • Dateigrösse: ?? MB
  • Erschienen: 18.12.2015
  • Preis: 5,95 $

Autoren, Illustratoren & Mitarbeiter:

  • Widmung: For Kirk, Douglas and Katie
  • Autor: Grant Robinson [A1]
  • Illustrator: David Dotson [A1]
  • Missions-Logo: Jeff Laubenstein, Matt Heerdt
  • Shadowrun Missions Developer: Ray Rigel, Steven "Bull" Ratkovich
  • Shadowrun Line Developer: Jason M. Hardy
  • Layout & Design: Matt Heerdt
  • Art Direction: Brent Evans, Kat Hardy

^[A1] - Die Katalogseite auf DriveThru RPG widerspricht der Angabe auf dem Cover, da hier David Ellenberger als Autor und Grant Robinson als Künstler (d. h. Urheber des Cover Artworks und der Illustrationen) genannt wird.


The Chicago sprawl is host to all manner of strange creatures — ghouls, toxic spirits, hellhounds, barghests, and chickens. Yes, chickens. The city is mostly urbanized, but there are also large swathes of vacant land, and some enterprising souls have been farming that land. This is the Sixth World, though, which means that whenever you have someone trying something bold, you have a dozen other people thinking, “How can I use that to hurt other people?”

The runners are going to have some unusual jobs on this mission, including spreading some poisons and making sure innocent lives are spared (if they’re so inclined). They’ll have to be on their toes to steer clear of the authorities, get all the pieces of this particular scheme in place, and in particular answer the pressing question: Just what is Mr. Johnson up to?

Amber Waves of Grain continues the latest Shadowrun Missions plotline set in Chicago. Whether you played other Chicago Missions, including the first one in this plotline (Ten Fifty-Seven) or are just launching into the series, this Mission provides plenty of action packed into a single adventure.


Shadowrun Mission: 06-03

  • Art.-Nr: SRM 06-03 (E-CAT???)
  • Titel: Ancient Rumblings


Shadowrun Mission: 06-04

  • Art.-Nr: SRM 06-04 (E-CAT???)
  • Titel: Tick-Tock


Shadowrun Mission: 06-05

  • Art.-Nr: SRM 06-05 (E-CAT???)
  • Titel: Healing the Sick


Shadowrun Mission: 06-06

  • Art.-Nr: SRM 06-06 (E-CAT???)
  • Titel: Falling Angels


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