Rules of the Kaidō Club

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Version vom 2. August 2024, 13:51 Uhr von Karel (Diskussion | Beiträge)

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Rules of the Kaidō Club ist eine Shadowrun Novella von Katherine Monasterio


  • Art.-Nr.:
  • Titel: Rules of the Kaidō Club
  • Typ: eNovella (?)
  • Sprache: englisch
  • Verlag: Cat
  • Format: nur eBook
  • Dateiformat:
  • Dateigröße: 809,8 KB (Apple Books)
  • Seitenzahl: 97 Seiten
  • Erschienen: 31. Juli 2024
  • Preis: 2,99 € (bei Apple Books)


When rookie racer Tezz Fletcher wrecks her beloved Shin-Hyung in the underground street racing league known as the Kaidō Club, it's clear her #1 rival Miranda Lopez is to blame. It's even clearer that the wreck drives a deeper wedge between the two former friends.

But when Tezz's totaled ride ends up in the clutches of a Seattle megacorp trying to steal her custom tech, things get more complicated. Lopez is after the same tech to help her sister, who works for that exact corp — and they're both in so deep, Lopez is desperate for help.

With the last race of the season approaching and the megacorp coming to collect, Tezz has no choice but to put aside her rivalry with Lopez and team up to take down their bigger enemy. Can they win against the champion street racer the corp sponsors? Or will the corp use the Kaidō Club's strict rules to take down Tezz and Lopez both?

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